Weather station Sokol-M is distinguished by its compact build and is designed in such a way that all components necessary for complete work therewith, are optimized in one monoblock unit requiring no additional devices connection.
All you need to do at initial setup – just turn the switch on key without any additional settings.
The following gauges are located in device body:
- the module of registration and measurement information processing;
- meters of temperature and humidity;
- gages of precipitation amount and intensity;
- atmospheric-pressure gage;
- accumulator storage battery.
By means of integrated Web-camera you can take photographs of meteorological phenomena at the point of observation, monitor the plant development, as well as prevent leaf disease, providing detailed and clear analysis of the data.
With the aid of Sokol-M station you can clearly monitor weather factors and get an accurate weather forecast for 3 days with 95% probability predicting agricultural work (timely irrigation, specialty machinery mobilization in the field) in advance and avoiding thereby wasted expenditures.
Through the use of the latest wireless Lora Wan technology weather station Sokol-M makes possible to connect additional wireless devices within a radius of 5 km at the point of observation, e.g. sensors of ambient temperature, humidity and soil temperature.
Together with Timiryazev Agricultural Academy the developers of the weather station evolved software modules for several crops comprehensive disease control. According to agronomists you can create an electronic mathematical model to determine plant diseases expectancy in automatic mode.
The station makes possible to be connected to already existing irrigation systems, to measure UV solar radiation for forecasting plant diseases and timely irrigation, allows to carry out high-precision measurement of the wind speed and direction and draw up reports and graphics.
Built-in solar panel enables autonomous operation over the whole season.
You will be able to see any change in the station location as the angle change and its GPS coordinates as well.