FLS Escort TD-150 comes with a list of the most common outputs:
- Digital RS-485, frequency and analog.
- It is safe to use in explosive environment as confirmed by the OExiallBT6 X certificate.
- The sensor has been certified in EU (CE and E-Mark), Eurasian Customs Union and Russia (GOST-R).
- The length of the measuring tubes of the sensor can vary from 15cm to 6m.
- The fuel level sensor is easy to configure and connect to various GPS tracking devices and systems.
Extra advantages
- Electrical (galvanic) isolation
- Connection status monitoring output
- Extended analog measurement range from 0.2V to 9V
- Operational temperature range -60/+85 °С;
- Advanced thermal compensation algorithm
- Water and dust protection (IP69S)
- Highly damage-resistant polyamide body
The outputs of the device are well protected by a flexible and durable corrugated plastic.
Escort TD-150 sensor was launched on the market in 2017 as an improvement on its predecessor the Escort TD-100 model thanks to the addition of the analog output with the extended measurement range.
FLS Escort TD-150 quickly gained momentum and remains one of the most popular products highly demanded by integrators.
Fuel level sensors Escort TD: install and start saving your fuel!