Escort TD-BLE

Wireless Fuel Level Sensor TD-BLE

The first wireless capacitive fuel level sensor on the market with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology!

This isn’t just another innovation. It’s an evolutionary leap into the wireless future of transport telematics!

It’s never been easier to install a fuel monitoring system.

Installing and configuring traditional fuel level sensors takes a long time. The lack of wires will finally eliminate the tedious, time-consuming and more costly process of laying cables through the entire vehicle system. No wires – no problem.

Along with this, the risk of vandalism associated with interference with electrical wiring is eliminated. Moreover, the information on fuel is transferred to the control system as quickly, in the same volume and with the same accuracy as on wires.

Just imagine how much time, effort and money you can now save!

7 years of continuous operation from just one battery.

Lithium-thionyl chloride batteries and, of course, Bluetooth 4.0 technology with low-energy feature, are the guarantee of long-term use of the sensor without replacing batteries. Thanks to Bluetooth Low Energy, the wireless fuel level sensor is able to perform its work from a single battery for several years.

New, robust, airtight, shockproof protection.

Escort TD-BLE enclosure is equipped with an additional protective casing made of impact-resistant polyamide and is distinguished by high endurance to various mechanical damages on all types of vehicles, special equipment, in stationary tanks and containers.

The function of the device will not be affected by polarity inversions, voltage surges, interference and attempts to deliberately disrupt its performance, for example, with a stun gun. As in the case with other equipment produced by Escort, any unauthorized interference with the TD-BLE will be recorded in the monitoring system.

The sensor is safely isolated from dust and moisture ingress. Stable operation of the equipment will not be disturbed by critical changes in temperature (-30 … +85 °C) and atmospheric pressure (84 … 106.7 kPa). Due to thermal compensation algorithm Escort TD-BLE automatically corrects the fuel level when the exterior environment characteristics change.

Even in the most extreme operating conditions the Escort TD-BLE sensor guarantees continuous and accurate monitoring of fuel consumption!

Compliance with explosion protection requirements.

Escort TD-BLE Fuel level sensor fully meets the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 021/2011 “On the safety of equipment for work in explosive environments. This is confirmed by EAES certificate No. RU C-RU.AD07.V.00706/19. Thus, the sensor can be officially used for transportation of dangerous goods in the Eurasian Economic Community space, including Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. For this purpose, it features an explosion-proof enclosure, enhanced class “e” protection, intrinsic safety and other mandatory emergency protection measures.

Compatible with popular trackers

Escort TD-BLE wireless fuel level sensor is compatible via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) with popular GLONASS/GPS trackers of such brands as Teltonika, Navtelecom, GlonassSoft, Neomatica, Queclink, Galileosky, Vega-Absolute, Fort Telecom, Glomos.

**Connection to all other types of satellite navigation systems with RS-485 LLS interface is possible via BLE-BASE wireless adapter. The adapter connects directly to the tracker and provides a wireless bridge between BLE-BASE and the wireless fuel level sensor Escort TD-BLE.

Compatible with


The measurement error in the work-space, no more 1%
Operation mode digital
Digital mode:
– interface
– the communication protocol
Bluetooth LE (BLE)
Escort BLE
Range (under normal operating conditions in the absence of interference and obstacles when working with the base) not less than 10 meters
The period of data exchange with the base 10 seconds
The sensitivity of the receiver / transmitter power -96 dBm / 4 dBm
The degree of protection according to GOST 14254 IP69S
Protection against electrocution by GOST class III
Type of explosion protection intrinsically safe electrical circuit (“ia” level of protection)
Explosion proof mark OEx ia IIB T6 X
Categories of explosive mixtures according to GOST R IEC 60079-20-1-2011 categories IIA, IIB
Explosion hazardous areas according to GOST IEC 60079-10-1-2011 0; 1 and 2
Operation conditions:
– temperature, °C
– ambient temperature, °C
– atmosphere pressure, kPa
– ambient atmosphere pressure, kPa
– 45 … + 50
– 60 … + 85
84 … 106.7
57 … 110
Dimensions, no more 90x90x(L + 38)mm, where L – sensor length in mm
Conditional sensor length Indicated on the label (pasted in the passport)
Weight, no more 0,35+0,4хL, where L – is the sensor length in meters
Supply voltage, no more V 3,6

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